Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lenten Music Journey Day 4: Scriabin's Etude Op. 2, No. 1

Today's Lenten piece is Scriabin's Etude Op. 2, No. 1:

Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) was a Russian pianist and composer. Scriabin began with a lyrical compositional language similar to Frederic Chopin but then began exploring more complex harmonies diving into atonal and mystic languages. He was known as one of the most innovative yet controversial early modern composers. He was also highly involved in his synesthesia (colors or shapes corresponding to sounds).

This Etude Op. 2, No. 1 is highly representative of Scriabin's early music with in Chopinesque qualities maybe imitating some of Chopin's preludes. It is a very dark and sad piece calling for a very clear melody at the top of the chords. The anguish can be heard especially in the climax and the final chord at the end. Very appropriate for the season of Lent.

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